
Pesantren Imam Syafi'i's Graduation: Celebrating 24 Alumnus

On this day, June 17, 2023, Pesantren Imam Syafi'i held a graduation ceremony for 24 alumni of the ninth batch. The event took place starting at 09:00 AM WIB in the complex of Pesantren Imam Syafi'i.

The graduation ceremony was attended by several honored guests, including representatives from Lajnah Khairiyah Musytarakah and the representative of the Regent of Aceh Besar. Also present were several figures from the local Muspika.

In addition to the alumni's formal recognition, the ceremony featured an Academic Oration delivered by Professor Dr. Syahbuddin Gade, M.A., a distinguished scholar from UIN Ar Raniry. In his oration, he imparted a message to the graduating alumni, urging them to become pioneers of goodness in society. He also encouraged them to continue nurturing their thirst for knowledge. UIN Ar Raniry, Prof. Dr. Syahbuddin Gade, M.A. Dalam orasinya, beliau memberikan pesan kepada para alumni yang diwisuda untuk menjadi pionir kebaikan dalam masyarakat. Beliau juga mengajak mereka untuk terus meningkatkan semangat belajar.

This graduation event marks a precious moment for Pesantren Imam Syafi'i and the ninth batch of alumni. May these alumni embody the values they have learned throughout their time at the pesantren and become exemplary individuals within the community.

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