New Student Admission

    "Golden opportunities await you! Don't miss out on joining as a student at Imam Syafi'i. Good manners, intelligence, and strong skills. Register now at https://psb.pis.sch.id!"

  • Mu'adalah

    Islamic University of Madinah

    Imam Syafi'i Islamic Boarding School, the sole accredited institution in Aceh by the Islamic University of Madinah, provides a remarkable opportunity for students to study in the revered city of Madinah.

  • Lingkungan

    Happy Learning

    Learning is not just about acquiring new knowledge, but also about gaining enjoyable experiences. With a warm and familial atmosphere, students at Imam Syafi'i Islamic Boarding School can feel comfortable and happy while pursuing knowledge.

  • Skill

    Excellence and proficiency.

    Education encompasses a broad range of dimensions. In addition to receiving education in moral values and intellectual pursuits, students at Imam Syafi'i Islamic Boarding School also acquire valuable skills through extracurricular activities, such as sewing, coding, and more.

  • Al qur'an

    Tahfizhul Qur'an

    Program Tahfizh di bimbing oleh Muhaffizh yang berpengalaman, berkualitas, dan beberapa pembimbing bersanad hingga ke Rasulullah Shallallahu’alaihi wasallam.


TAHUN AJARAN 2025/2026

Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow: Invest in Education!


Imam Syafii Islamic Boarding School is an integrated Islamic educational institution that focuses on the education of Adab (moral values), Intellectualism, and Skills. 

Our Profile

Imam Syafi'i Aceh Islamic Boarding School is a residential Islamic educational institution that implements a contemporary education system based on the Quran and Sunnah (teachings of the Prophet Muhammad). Among its advantages are:

  1. has received accreditation from the Islamic University of Madinah for its Mu'adalah program.
  2. The Tahfidh program at Imam Syafii Islamic Boarding School has a minimum target of memorizing 8 Juz (parts) of the Quran.
  3. Adequate and appealing facilities.
  4. Competent teachers.
  5. Engaging extracurricular activities.

Education Stages

SD Plus Imam Syafi'i

Marhalah Ibtidaiyyah

SMP Plus Imam Syafi'i

Marhalah Mutawassithah

Practicum Class

Marhalah Tsanawiyyah



Bripda M. fajar Shadiq
Bripda M. fajar ShadiqAlumni Angkatan VI Hafidz 30 Juz
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After being nurtured for a long time in the beloved Imam Syafi'i Islamic Boarding School, I now taste the sweetness of the outcomes of that nurturing process.
BurhanuddinAlumni Angkatan IV Hahasiswa Al Azhar University
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"During my 6 years at Imam Syafi'i Islamic Boarding School, I discovered the importance of independence and life skills, which I am benefiting from now while studying at Al Azhar University in Cairo."
Muhammad Isa, S.Pd
Muhammad Isa, S.PdAlumni Angkatan Pertama
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Alhamdulillah, with the permission of Allah Ta'ala, the Imam Syafii Islamic Boarding School teaches many things. It provides education in Islamic sciences, memorization of the Qur'an, Arabic and English languages, as well as other valuable skills for the present time. It was an extraordinary blessing when I had the opportunity to study in Kuwait for three months during the khidmah (service) year of 2015, provided by the boarding school.
AsnitaWali Santri
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Bismillah, before I send my children to boarding school, I first look for a school that adheres to the principles of the Sunnah, provides comfort for the children in terms of food and dormitory facilities, and also has qualified teachers. Alhamdulillah, after several years of studying at the boarding school, both of my children have become pious individuals who are obedient to their parents and have memorized several chapters of the Quran.

Pesantren Imam Syafi'i Aceh

In addition to competent teachers and an Islamic curriculum, having good and adequate facilities also plays a crucial role in achieving educational goals and supporting a comfortable and enjoyable learning process.

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