Wisuda Angkatan XI

Pesantren Imam Syafi'i Graduates 40 Alumni of the 11th Cohort

On Sunday, June 2, 2024, Pesantren Imam Syafi'i held a graduation ceremony for 40 alumni of the 11th cohort at the pesantren complex. The event was conducted solemnly from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM.

Attending the ceremony were the Chairman of the Lajnah Khairiyyah Foundation, Ustadz Ahmad Zawawi bin Nawawi, and the Head of the Dayah Education Office of Aceh Besar, Abu Bakar, S.Ag, representing the Regent of Aceh Besar. Also present were MUSPIKA members and other invited guests.

In his speech, Ustadz Ahmad Zawawi encouraged the graduates to remain enthusiastic in seeking knowledge across various disciplines and advised them to always carry the provision of piety at all times.

A highlight of the event was the scientific oration delivered by an academic from Syiah Kuala University, Dr. rer nat. Ilham Maulana, S.Si. In his oration, he emphasized the importance of patience and reliance on Allah in the pursuit of knowledge. This message is hoped to be a guiding principle for the graduates as they navigate their future lives.

This graduation ceremony marks a significant milestone for the alumni who have completed their education at Pesantren Imam Syafi'i. It is hoped that the knowledge they have acquired will be beneficial for them and the wider community.

With the successful conclusion of this graduation ceremony, it is expected that the alumni will continue to contribute positively to society, uphold the good name of the pesantren, and apply the knowledge they have gained with full responsibility.

Watch the live streaming documentary of the graduation ceremony part 1 here and part 2 here.

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