Pelatihan Guru

Imam Syafi'i Islamic Boarding School Holds the Eighth Teacher Competency Improvement Training

Saturday, May 25, 2024 - Imam Syafi'i Islamic Boarding School once again held the Eighth Teacher Competency Improvement Training with the theme "Follow-up on the Education Report Card of SMP Plus Imam Syafi'i." The event was held in the teachers' room of Imam Syafi'i Islamic Boarding School and took place from 08:00 to 12:30.

This training was conducted by Mr. Mulyadi M. Ramli, S.Pd.I, M.Pd, a Senior Widyaprada from BPMP (Education Quality Assurance Agency) of Aceh. All teachers and caregivers at Imam Syafi'i Islamic Boarding School participated in this event.

In his opening remarks, the Vice Head of Imam Syafi'i Islamic Boarding School, Ustadz Fajri, S.Pd.I, expressed his hopes that through this training, teachers' competencies in teaching and learning activities can improve in the future.

This event aims to provide new understandings and skills for teachers, so they can give their best in educating the students. It is hoped that this training will have a positive impact on improving the quality of education at Imam Syafi'i Islamic Boarding School.

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