Pesantren Imam Syafi’i melaksanakan Asesmen Nasional tingkat jenjang Madrasah Aliyah (MA) sebagai bagian dari program pemerintah yang rutin dilaksanakan setiap tahun. Asesmen ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penilaian terhadap mutu pendidikan di setiap sekolah dan madrasah.
Kegiatan Asesmen Nasional ini berlangsung selama dua hari, mulai tanggal 28 hingga 29 Agustus 2023, dan diadakan di Laboratorium Pesantren Imam Syafi’i dengan jumlah perserta berjumlah 45 santri
The National Assessment is a government program aimed at measuring and evaluating the quality of education in various schools and madrasahs nationwide. Through this process, the government can obtain a more accurate overview of the educational quality provided by each educational institution.
Imam Shafi'i Islamic Boarding School carries out this assessment process with a determination to continually enhance the quality of education provided to the students. By implementing the national standards set by the government, the boarding school is committed to delivering quality and relevant education to the students.
In the effort to achieve better outcomes in the future, Imam Shafi'i Islamic Boarding School hopes that the results of this National Assessment will provide valuable insights into strengths and areas that need enhancement in educational delivery. Through a strong collaboration among assessment participants, government, and all relevant stakeholders, it is hoped that education in Indonesia can continue to improve and produce exceptional generations across various fields.