In order to ensure the quality of education at Pesantren Imam Syafi'i, SMP Plus Imam Syafi'i conducted a two-day supervision of Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) on Thursday and Friday, October 17-18, 2024.
The supervision aims to evaluate and improve the quality of classroom instruction, ensuring that the implementation of teaching and learning aligns with the established standards. For this supervision, SMP Plus Imam Syafi'i invited an experienced external supervisor, Mr. Mulyadi, S.Pd.I., M.Pd., a Widyaprada from the Education Quality Development Center (BPMP) of Aceh.
Mr. Mulyadi's presence is expected to provide constructive feedback and suggestions to the teachers, assisting the school in developing strategies to enhance more effective and efficient teaching. Over the two days, he observed classes directly, interacted with the teachers, and provided feedback aimed at fostering the professional development of the educators.
This supervision is part of Pesantren Imam Syafi'i's commitment to maintaining high educational standards, in line with the school's vision to nurture students with noble character, broad knowledge, and excellent skills. The teachers and staff welcomed this initiative as an important step in improving their competence and professionalism in the field of education.
Through this supervision, SMP Plus Imam Syafi'i aims to continuously enhance the quality of learning so that students can study in a more conducive and structured environment, in accordance with the Islamic values that are central to the pesantren.