
119 Santri Pesantren Imam Syafi’i Mengikuti Ujian Kenaikan Tingkat (UKT) Taekwondo Se-Aceh Besar

Aceh Besar – Pada hari Minggu, tanggal 03 September 2023, sebanyak 119 santri dari Pesantren Imam Syafi’i turut serta dalam Ujian Kenaikan Tingkat (UKT) Taekwondo se-Aceh Besar tahun 2023. Acara ini digelar di Auditorium Ali Hasyimi UIN Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh.

This test provides an opportunity for the students of Imam Syafi'i Islamic Boarding School to assess their skills in Taekwondo and achieve the level advancement they have diligently prepared for with determination and enthusiasm.

During the event, the Acting (Act.) Regent of Aceh Besar, Mr. Muhammad Iswanto, S.STP MM, delivered an inspiring speech. Also in attendance was the Acting (Act.) Chairperson of Aceh Besar Dekranasda, Ms. Cut Rezi Handayani, S.IP MM, who provided encouragement to the participants.

The students of Imam Syafi'i Islamic Boarding School have demonstrated their commitment to developing their potential and skills in the field of sports. Their participation in the Taekwondo Promotion Test (UKT) is a tangible manifestation of their spirit and dedication to achieving higher levels of achievement.

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