Juara Taekwando

Students of Imam Shafi'i Islamic Boarding School Excel at the 2023 Taekwondo Championship

Santri dari Pesantren Imam Syafii telah mencetak prestasi hebat dalam kejuaraan beladiri taekwondo. Acara Piala Pangdam IM Taekwondo Championship 2023, yang berlangsung dari 5 hingga 7 Agustus 2023, menjadi ajang sukses bagi pesantren.

Salah satu santri, Hafiz Alfata dari kelas X MIPA, meraih medali emas kategori Festival. Luthfi Hidayatullah dari kelas XII Agama juga berhasil mendapatkan medali perunggu dengan kategori Prestasi.

Not only the current students excel, but also the alumni of Imam Shafi'i Islamic Boarding School have made remarkable contributions. Riski Orkansyah from the Fourth Generation received the gold medal in the Festival category, showcasing his exceptional skills. Muzzamil from the Ninth Generation also achieved the silver medal in the Achievement category.

However, in every competition, not everyone who puts in effort always manages to reach the pinnacle. Rades Adi Prayoga, in the Achievement category, one of the talented participants from the boarding school, has not yet secured victory this time. Nevertheless, his spirit and dedication are still deserving of commendation.

This achievement reaffirms the commitment of the boarding school in nurturing talents across various fields, including sports. With the support of a conducive educational environment and intensive guidance, the students and alumni of Imam Shafi'i Islamic Boarding School continue to carve out achievements at both local and national levels. These accomplishments are a source of pride and inspiration for all young individuals, motivating them to consistently strive for excellence.

Tidak lupa, kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih yang tulus kepada para pelatih yang telah memberikan bimbingan hebat kepada santri. Kepada Sabeum Muhammad Nafis, Sabeum Veri Darmansyah, dan Sabeum Selamet Riyadi, terima kasih atas dedikasi dan upaya tak kenal lelah Anda dalam membentuk para juara sejati.

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