
Family Outing of Pesantren Imam Syafi'i: The Festivity of Recreation at Penyu Beach

Pesantren Imam Syafi'i once again held a family outing event on Saturday, March 2, 2024. The event, which took place at Penyu Beach in Dayah Mamplam Village, Leupung District, Aceh Besar Regency, successfully created a cheerful and warm atmosphere.

This outing was not just an ordinary recreational activity; it was also filled with various interesting activities, one of which was tug-of-war that sparked competitive spirit among the participants. Additionally, there were various other games and activities that made the atmosphere even more lively.

This event served not only as an opportunity for fun but also as a means to strengthen the bonds among the members of the Pesantren Imam Syafi'i family. Through activities like this, it is hoped that closer relationships and stronger unity will be fostered among all components of the pesantren.

Moreover, the outing was also a perfect moment to relax and unwind after various learning activities and engagements at the pesantren. Penyu Beach was chosen as the location for this outing because of its breathtaking natural beauty and fresh air.

May this family outing of Pesantren Imam Syafi'i bring great benefits to all participants and become a beautiful memory.

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