Dar Maryam Archeri Cup II

Imam Syafi'i Boarding School Wins 3 Golds and 1 Bronze at Dar Maryam CUP II 2024

Imam Syafi'i Boarding School once again achieved remarkable success at the Dar Maryam Archery CUP II 2024 event held at Dar Maryam Boarding School from February 23-25, 2024. The students and teachers of Imam Syafi'i Boarding School contributed 3 gold medals and 1 bronze medal to the event.

In the barebow category, M Fachry Wahyu Ghaffar from class IX-2 Junior High School won the gold medal at 15 meters distance, while M. Maulidian Syahputra from class 2 Religious Senior High School won the gold medal at 18 meters distance. Muhammad Ghifari from class 2 Science Senior High School also excelled by winning the bronze medal in the same category.

Not to be outdone, one of the teachers of Imam Syafi'i Boarding School, Ust Hendri Rahmadhani, also succeeded in contributing a gold medal in the men's general barebow category at a distance of 20 meters.

This achievement is a real testament to the dedication and hard work of the students and teachers of Imam Syafi'i Boarding School in developing their talents and sports abilities. Hopefully, this achievement can be an inspiration for all members of the Imam Syafi'i Boarding School community to continue to achieve excellence in various fields.

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