anbk 2024

Imam Syafi'i Islamic Boarding School Holds ANBK for 11th Grade MA Students

Imam Syafi'i Islamic Boarding School has once again conducted the Computer-Based National Assessment (ANBK) for 11th-grade Madrasah Aliyah (MA) students. The ANBK activities, which involved 45 students, were held over two days, from August 19 to August 20, 2024.

ANBK is one of the evaluation programs developed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) aimed at improving the quality of education across Indonesia. Through this assessment, the government can comprehensively capture various aspects of education, from input, process, to the output produced by educational institutions.

The implementation of ANBK at Imam Syafi'i Islamic Boarding School was carried out with thorough preparation, including the readiness of technological infrastructure and technical assistance for the students. The Principal of Madrasah Aliyah at Imam Syafi'i Islamic Boarding School, Jefri Yandi, Lc., M.A, explained that the implementation of ANBK is not only a form of compliance with national regulations but also an effort to evaluate and improve the quality of education at the school.

The ANBK activities are an important part of Imam Syafi'i Islamic Boarding School's continuous effort to develop quality education, based on technology and in line with contemporary needs. Through this assessment, it is hoped that the students of Imam Syafi'i Islamic Boarding School will be better prepared to face future educational challenges and contribute positively to the nation's progress.

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