Two Teams from Pesantren Imam Syafi'i Win 1st and 2nd Place in the Arabic Debate Competition at Classic IX Event

Santri from Pesantren Imam Syafi'i have once again achieved remarkable success at the Classic IX event held at Dayah Insan Qurani from October 19-24, 2024. In this competition, two Arabic debate teams from Pesantren Imam Syafi'i secured both 1st and 2nd place. The team that claimed 1st place included Rais Syahmi, Sultan Ariq, and Muhammad Qaisar At Taqwa, while the 2nd place team was comprised of T.R.M Zacky Maulidiwan, Muhammad Luthfi Syafiq, and Fatih Al Faruq.

In addition to dominating the podium, one of the team members, Rais Syahmi, was awarded the title of Best Speaker, a recognition of his outstanding skills in speech and argumentation.

Beyond debate, Pesantren Imam Syafi'i students also achieved success in other categories. Muhammad Al Banna earned 3rd place in the Qiraatul Kutub competition in the middle school division. In a separate event, the Damascus 3 competition held by Dayah Darul Quran Aceh, Muhammad Ziyad Hibatullah from the middle school category won 3rd place in the Indonesian speech competition.

These achievements are a great source of motivation for all students and the entire community of Pesantren Imam Syafi'i to continue striving and honoring the name of their pesantren in various competitions. May more students achieve outstanding accomplishments in the future, contributing to the advancement of pesantren education in Indonesia.

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