Imam Syafii Islamic Boarding School once again held the 6th Wahyain Session as part of the 1446 H / 2025 M Ramadan activities. This program aims to cultivate a love for the Qur'an, enliven the holy month of Ramadan through deeper engagement with divine revelation, and follow the example of the salafusshaleh in filling this sacred time with the Qur'an and hadith.
During this 15-day program, students have the opportunity to deepen their religious knowledge through various activities, such as memorizing the Qur'an, reviewing their recitations, engaging in tilawah (Qur'anic recitation), and studying the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). This program is designed to strengthen their understanding and practice of the two sources of revelation while fostering a habit of intensive interaction with the Qur'an throughout Ramadan.
Wahyain Session telah menjadi agenda tahunan di Pesantren Imam Syafii dan selalu mendapat antusiasme tinggi dari para santri serta para pengajar. Dengan terlaksananya Wahyain Session ke-6 ini, diharapkan para peserta tidak hanya mendapatkan tambahan hafalan dan ilmu, tetapi juga semakin dekat dengan Al-Qur’an serta mampu mengamalkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
May this program serve as a means for students to attain the blessings of Ramadan, strengthen their bond with divine revelation, and grow into a generation firmly adhering to the Qur'an and Sunnah.